Insurance products are complicated and finding the right insurance for your needs is tough. To help, here are 3 checks for finding the perfect insurance.
Viewing category: Prepare For The Worst
Inheritance Tax Changes You Need To Know About
The past couple of Chancellor’s Budgets have brought some significant inheritance tax changes. Here are the inheritance tax changes that you need to know.
Should I Sell My Structured Settlement?
Structured settlements may not be appropriate for everyone and, in some cases, the correct financial decision may be for recipients to consider selling.
How long should my life insurance policy be?
Yesterday, we answered how much life insurance cover should you have? Today, we answer the question: how long should my life insurance policy be?
How much life insurance cover do I need?
Life insurance will often form part of a responsible financial plan. Use our calculations to answer the question: how much life insurance cover do I need?
Buying Life Insurance Online: Your New Year’s Resolution
It may not be the first thing you think about at Christmas, but getting appropriate life insurance maybe should be one of your New Year’s Resolutions.
4 Reasons You Need Cover This Christmas
At Christmas, the admin often takes a back seat to Christmas shopping and eating way too much!! However, don’t forget about insurance cover this Christmas!
Different Types of Fraud and How to Avoid Them
Fraud is rife in the UK and it is not going away anytime soon. Therefore, you should take all the steps you can to avoid these different types of fraud.