There’s always measures you can take to earn and save money. Of course, you work for a living, but if you want to maximize your earnings, you’ll consider learning how to manage your money wisely. With a few personal finance tips, not only help you earn a bit of extra money but help you save it as well.
Research Banks and Move Your Bank to Take Advantage of Perks
You might have had the same bank your entire life, and while it might have worked for you in the past, sometimes there are advantages of moving banks. For instance, if you’re paying a monthly fee for your bank account, you might want to consider moving to one that doesn’t charge you a monthly fee. Many banks will waive the monthly maintenance fee if you have a direct deposit put into the account every month. Other banks offer incentives as high as $100 for you to open an account with them. Consider taking advantage of such perks.
Switch from Cable or Satellite Television to Online Streaming
If you’re like most of us, you pay for the internet every month anyway. Instead of also paying for cable or satellite television service, consider simply streaming the shows you watch. It can actually be much cheaper to simply pick a streaming service like Hulu or Amazon Prime and pay for that rather than paying for hundreds of channels you don’t watch. Better yet, you could just forgo TV altogether and focus on other money-making activities like a side business.
Switch Insurance Companies
Home and auto insurance can take a huge chunk out of your income, but insurance companies are always competing to offer the lowest rates and perks. Periodically, you might want to consider researching to get the best car insurance quotes available as well as home insurance quotes. If you need to switch your insurance companies from time to time to take advantage of lower rates, then do so. You could save thousands in the long-run.
Sell Instead of Collect
Many people collect certain items. For instance, some people collect music boxes while others collect Beanie Babies, baseball cards and more. If you want to make money instead of keep spending it, then you might want to consider selling your collections. There’s plenty of places where you can list your items online to get the maximum amount for your collection, or you could sell locally – whichever you prefer.
Sign Up for Customer Rewards Programs
Many retailers offer customer rewards programs, and it can definitely pay to sign up for them, especially if they offer cash back on items that you have to buy anyway. For instance, there’s rewards for fueling up at certain gas stations, shopping at certain stores and so on. Signing up for these rewards programs and taking advantage of any deals and coupons can save you a lot of money over time.
Write Lists Before Shopping and Stick to Them
This might seem like a simple tip, but it’s actually one of the most important ones. Most of us waste a lot of money on impulse buys. If you make a list of what you absolutely need before you go shopping and stick to it, then you can save yourself countless amounts of dollars.
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