Welcome to Session 05 of Moneystepper’s 2015 Savings Challenge Podcast. This episode tackles pensions and retirements, and specifically the importance of maximising your contributions to employer pensions schemes where your contribution is matched by your employer.
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In this episode, we discuss employer matched pensions and the following related articles in great depth. I would very much recommend that you visit these articles and enter your own figures into the free spreadsheets provided in order to determine, for you personally, is it better to pay off debt or contribute to your employer pension scheme, and whether you are better off investing in pensions or ISAs:
Related Article: Pay Down Debt or Save For Retirement (Moneystepper)
Related Article: Pensions vs ISAs (Moneystepper)
Related Article: Moneystepper 2015 Savings Challenge (Moneystepper)
If you have any questions or opinions on this episode, please leave a comment below. I respond to all comments and it would be great to hear from you!
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